Strange Loops

No Matter Where You Go, There You Are

Audiobooks, Bass Playing

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Audible is having their summer sale til Jun 21. Everything above $9.95 is being sold at $9.95. That’s a tremendous offer. When I discovered this, I picked up a couple of audiobooks I wanted to listen to for a while, Naked in Baghdad,Defying Hitler,No Ordinary time, Truman. There are a couple more books I want to pick up. Audiobooks are a nice compromise between reading books or not reading at all. They allow me to use my ~40 minutes of commute time for something useful. Ideally I would read books onboard the bus but I like to rest my eyes before and after work.

Playing a musical instrument is kind of like running. In order to get any good you need to practice/train consistently. That is my problem. Not enough practice time. Not enough playing with other people. If I really want to get better, I need to put in 30 - 45 minutes a day into it. I enjoy playing and wish I had more time.