Strange Loops

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Mind if I Haskell You?

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Something about Haskell has always appealed to me more than it’s cousin ML or OCaml. I’ve always wanted to learn a strongly typed functional programming language since we never covered that category in my programming language class. For the longest time, I couldn’t find a decent tutorial on the internet. Recently I’ve found two. A short introduction is Introduction to Haskell. It goes over one comprehensive example, covering the main points of the language (though it glosses over the issue of layout). Yet Another Haskell Tutorial by Hal Daume is the most comprehensive tutorial I’ve found online. It’s also fairly easy to read.

I’ve supplemented the online reading with some books. The Haskell School of Expression isn’t great but used ones are fairly cheap. A good one I’ve found is The Fun of Programming (on loan to me). This one isn’t an introductory book, it states that you already know the Haskell language. I’ve managed to work through it fairly well but I’m constantly look up Hal’s tutorial to understand things. The examples in this book are fun! fun! fun! covering a range of topics from esoteric to practical.