Strange Loops

No Matter Where You Go, There You Are

Wrote a Little Todo App

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Based very closely on Howto make a TODO List Application found off the Ruby on rails website. In fact, my code is exactly like the Howto. The differences I had was in my infrastructure:
  • lighttpd vs WEBrick
  • SQLite vs MySQL

Initial impressions: wow! damn! how did they… yeah! wow! damn!

Afterthoughts: I need to write some scripts to simulate parts of the framework for my day job (e.g. rails appname, generate controller name). I wished we used the rails framework at work…

Some cynics say Rails is just another overhyped framework, that Seaside and Wee are better solutions. That might be true but Rails is a clear win over everything mainstream right now.

Side thought: Groovy is very similar to Ruby. Rails takes advantage of Ruby to do the things it does. I wonder if anybody has taken a similar approach using Groovy for the Java world.