Strange Loops

No Matter Where You Go, There You Are

A Good Read

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If you’re interested in the material. Chapters 1 - 4 can be easily read by someone with a CS background. Chapters 5 - 7 require more of a Physics background (they gave me the most difficulty). All through the book, Feynman displays his love of the subject and his approach of looking at problems from many different angles.

Also worth reading is his Nobel Prize Lecture. A little snippet from that lecture, taken completely out of context but still a beautiful paragraph.

That was the beginning, and the idea seemed so obvious to me and so elegant that I fell deeply in love with it. And, like falling in love with a woman, it is only possible if you do not know much about her, so you cannot see her faults. The faults will become apparent later, but after the love is strong enough to hold you to her. So, I was held to this theory, in spite of all difficulties, by my youthful enthusiasm.