Strange Loops

No Matter Where You Go, There You Are

A Bevy of C++ Knowledge

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“Effective C++ is one of those C++ books you should reread every couple of years. I remember little C++ rules but always forget where they came from. Most of the time I read them in Effective C++. A new edition of Effective C++ has just been released and I’m working through all 55 items. It’s a good read. It’s a quick read. It’s a must read.

Another good book that has recently come out is C++ Common Knowledge. A little in the vein of Effective C++ but geared towards making yourself an intermediate C++ programmer.

And because you should always refresh your C++ every so often, a new edition of the “C++ Primer is out. It reads better than ever and I recommend it to every new C++ programmer out there. I think Bjarne’s book has merit but definitely start off with the primer.

C++. A semester to learn. A lifetime spent blowing your leg off. :-)