Strange Loops

No Matter Where You Go, There You Are

Done and Done!

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I’ve done it! I’ve crossed the magic number. 50000. I’ve won NaNoWriMo! On my first try no less.

I had my doubts in the beginning. 50K seemed like such a big number at the beginning of the November. Bit by bit, me and my comrade in writing, shunpiker, have clawed ourselves closer and closer.

With a massive 16k push over the last three days, my biggest push this entire month, I’ve punched a hole through to the other side. 50066 words to be precise.

I was a little nervous at the beginning of the day. Today was a struggle. A fight for those last five thousand words. Plots needed to be resolved. Characters needed to be redeemed.

At 7:15, I ended a 45 minute writing sprint at 49977. That number stood there mocking me. I knew I had one last sprint in me. The finishing line was in front of me. Tantalizing close. That last final desperate sprint for victory I knew I had clinched it. I’ve marked it with a statement that was applicable to me and my main character.

“His mind crossed a chasm he never thought he would be able to cross.”

I’ve done and won NaNoWriMo but the tale is still unfinished. Some minor editing and wrapping up needs to be done. Reflections on the month, nanowrimo, the story cannot be properly made in my euphoric state. That is for a later time when I can think more clearly.

For now, I revel in the glory, the celebration. I’m pumping my fists in victory. Stay the course, my fellow novelists victory is upon each of you.