Strange Loops

No Matter Where You Go, There You Are

Foreward to the Novel

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This is a bad science fiction novel.

This 50000+ word monstrosity was written in November 2005 to accomplish one thing: Win NaNoWriMo 2005. Contained within are unresolved plots and subplots, two dimensional characters, egregious grammar, numerous spelling mistakes, extensive usage of deus ex machina and and just plain bad writing. The editing process is meant to fix those problems (a process which I intended to do for NaNoEdMo 2006 but never began). It is not a work of literary genius nor did I intend it to be. It is bad science fiction novel after all.

What is bad science fiction you might ask? I could not begin to even define the genre for you. But you know what it is. Stay home on a Saturday night and view the movies made especially for the Sci-Fi channel. That is bad science fiction. Clumsy plots, bad characters, bad dialogue and typically not grounded in science fact. If it has any redeeming quality, bad science fiction is mostly laughably bad
and always pokes fun at itself. Battlefield Earth notwithstanding. That was bad bad science fiction.

If it’s bad science fiction, why write bad science fiction then? My only answer is that it was fun to write. Trying to think up the most insane, outrageous things fueled myself past the 50000 word finishing line.
On the other hand, I’m not sure if it is a fun read. I’ve not read this novel in it’s entirety. I hope it’s a fun read because it was a fun write.

I leave this work in your hands, brave reader. I apologize ahead of time for any pain I might have caused your sensibilities. Just to be on the safe side, I hope you don’t mind and please sign the indemnity waiver before proceeding. :-)