Strange Loops

No Matter Where You Go, There You Are

Liquid error: undefined method `titlecase' for 2007:Fixnum

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I’m not sure what 2007 will bring but I’m hopeful. Hopeful that I’ll behappier in general. For reasons I cannot understand, 2006 was adepressing year for me.

Yet it was also filled with days where I accomplished things I’ve wanted to do for a long time. I finished a half marathon in September. I finished a marathon in November. Running a marathon has finally sunk in. It’s part of me now. It feels like a whole world of adventure is just awaiting me.

I’ve not trained in about 5 weeks but the aches and pains have mostly faded with time. It might be time to start up again. The goal is to finish my second marathon.

What do I want to do in 2007?
1. Be more social
2. Get in better shape
3. Run a second marathon
4. Donate $X
5. Save $Y
6. Travel More
7. Get more sleep

I suspect 5 & 6 may not be mutually compatible but I’m willing to to give it a chance.