Strange Loops

No Matter Where You Go, There You Are

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It’s almost time. I was struggling to come up with words to describe how I feel at this moment. The last marathon I was oncall right up until the day before. I was stressed out about the high severity ticket that had come in Thursday. I handed it off to another person (pre-arranged) Saturday morning and did not have time to collect my thoughts before the race. That might have been a good thing or bad thing. I don’t know.

I worry of course. It’s my nature. The Seattle PI reports the weather is going to be hot on Sunday. We’ve been training in unusually cold weather. I worry that I’ll melt under the heat. I worry that I don’t have the strength to finish. It’s best not to worry about the things that I can’t control. Training with Jim has taught me that. All I need to focus on is the right pace. Getting into a groove and feeling right about being out there. Sharing the course with my team mates and coach for one last time. Being grateful for being able to do this.

Training is done.

That’s how the season felt. With the up and downs of training. I find the Rocky movies the best expression of how I feel sometimes. I just have one final round left this season: