Strange Loops

No Matter Where You Go, There You Are


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Trying out the new TypePad. The differences are there but I'm not noticing anything major. This was the first weekend for the last couple of months where no running was done. Between recovering from the marathon(a month ago), the cougar mountain trail run, Ragnar and the twisted ankle, I was taking it really easy this weekend. It was a nice change of pace not to wake up early on Saturday or Sunday. That gave me sometime to play with technologies and write down some ideas.

Been meaning to try out Aptana Studio and Jaxer. Finally got a chance to do that this weekend. Like the concept for Jaxer bur was really impressed with Aptana Studio. It has a whole bunch of auto complete stuff I didn't expect. I've not been in the IDE world for too long (still preferring a good old text editor) but for new technology an IDE really helps with the learning curve. Might be hacking some rails code with Michael and looking to give Studio a try.

Didn't get too deeply into it but also mucked about with Hadoop, Cappuccino and picked up where I left off with Clojure from a couple of weeks back. Finally settling on Aquamacs + Swank to work with Clojure. Could not get textmate working with the REPL. Also downloaded the MPS language workbench but didn't install it. Also reminded me about the whole language workbench I want to look at and the little pyparsing project I have with Riley.

The two things I didn't get too was the Leksah Haskell IDE and the algorithms class form MIT OCW. Also still looking to build a website with Django, Drupal and SInatra.

Played with a couple of new apps from MacHeist and MacUpdate promo package. Checked out the Project Natal stuff from Microsoft, looks cool but I'll need to try it to be convinced.

Too much stuff. Not enough time.