Strange Loops

No Matter Where You Go, There You Are

I'm Back

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I realized that my blog writing has been less than regular for the last couple of weeks. Hopefully I’ll get back to a more regular schedule now, posting a couple of times a week rather than sporadically. So what have I been up to that has distracted me from my regular reading, writing, playing and coding?

I’ve tried my hand at online dating. Rather than posting my regular entries to the blog, I’ve been busy sending emails to random women (okay not so random, I do have my standards). As I expected, most emails go unreplied. Of the ones whom replied, I’ve gotten a 50/50 positive negative split. Not too bad, but I don’t think I can justify the time spent on the endeavor. I met one nice girl, unfortunately we didn’t hit it off, pithy….. but I like having more friends.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not giving up or anything. I’m just going to spend less time on it. The idea has merit and it suits the sort of lifestyle I live where I don’t have a lot of time to go out and meet people. It works pretty well as a prescreening process. Maybe a little too well. It’s hard to convey sentiments and nuances virtually than it is physically. Plus some people aren’t very photogenic and may not even get a chance at bat. Oh well… that’s the luck of the draw.